Osteopathy is gentle, non-invasive and can be effective in treating musculoskeletal conditions.

During your consultation, they will listen to you about your complaint, ask medical, family, lifestyle and social history to help deliver the appropriate treatment plan for your condition:


Common conditions:

Headaches and Migraines:

Osteopaths can get great results when treating headaches and migraines. The most common headaches/neck pain may be caused by a stiff neck and shoulder joints or muscle stiffness.

Common symptoms can include dull head pain, pressure around the head, tender head or neck areas.

Neck/Shoulder Pain:

An Osteopath will perform a thorough examination in determining the cause of pain and outline the required treatment plan. Pain in these areas can be caused by:

  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • cold or flu
  • changes in season
  • arthritis
  • whiplash
  • work posture

Mid/Low Back Pain:

Mid and low back pain can be caused by many different conditions, both acute or chronic. It is important to let your osteopath know of any previous injuries or scans done on these areas.

Common causes:
  • Muscle stiffness
  • nerve impingement
  • disc pathology
  • repetitive strains
  • joint degeneration
  • arthritis

Pelvic/Hip Pain: 

Pelvic pain can be caused by a variety of conditions. An Osteopath will work on appropriate treatment goals and outcomes to decrease pain including any associated symptoms.

Common causes:
  • Muscle imbalance
  • strains
  • trauma
  • surgery

Hip Pain:

The most common complaint of hip pain can be sciatica with referral pain down to the knee or ankle. Whilst treating this, Osteopaths will look at other associated structures such as bones, muscles and ligaments for any restrictions that might be aggravating the nerve.

Other common causes of hip pain may be muscle strains, mechanical dysfunction or gait, leg length discrepancy or trauma from work or sporting activities.


Is a common umbrella term for a group of conditions that affect people from young to old. The two most common arthritis’s that osteopaths treat are:

Osteoarthritis (OA) is often thought of as only due to ageing but other causes can include family history, gender, sporting injuries and repetitive tasks whilst working.

Symptoms can Include:

  • Limited range of motion in joints
  • joint range of motion improves after movement
  • pain associated with movement
  • mild piping or crunching sound in joint

Osteopaths can help improve associated muscles stiffness and range of movement and will work to improve a patient’s outcomes.

Repetitive strains:

Repetitive strain is an overuse injury. Repeating the same task, repetitively which can cause stress and injury to associated structures. Common names for these are:

  • Carpal tunnel
  • Golfers elbow
  • Tennis elbow
  • Trigger finger
Common symptoms:
  • Burning, aching or shooting pain
  • swelling
  • numbness
  • weakness or fatigue
  • unable to complete normal tasks eg: opening doors, cutting with a knife, turning a tap.

Patellofemoral syndrome:

The most common knee injury and is used to describe pain at the front/side or underneath the kneecap.

The most common cause is due to the kneecap not tracking properly with symptoms being gradual. Squatting, running, walking down stairs all produce pain.

Osteopaths are able to look relieving tension in any associated muscles, ligaments, tendons, providing education to patients and prescribe exercises or apply tape.

Plantar Fasciitis:

The fascia under the foot can develop tears due to compression or traction injuries. Once inflammation and pain begin, it is then called plantar fasciitis. Osteopaths will use current evidence to help treat this injury. This can involve releasing any tight

associated muscles, exercises for the foot and taping.

Common causes are running and impact sports.

Osteopathy for Children:

Children love Osteopathy! Why not call us and see how we can help your children today!                                                             FOR EVERY STAGE OF LIFE